Beyond the Echo Chamber: Modelling Open-Mindedness in Citizens’ Assemblies | Jake Barrett, Kobi Gal, Loizos Michael, Dan Vilenchik |
Epistemic Selection of Costly Alternatives: The Case of Participatory Budgeting | Simon Rey, Ulle Endriss |
Contest Partitioning in Binary Contests: Costly, yet Beneficial | Priel Levy, Yonatan Aumann, David Sarne. |
Navigating in a Space of Game Views | Michael Wellman, Katherine Mayo |
Resolving social dilemmas with minimal reward transfer | Richard Willis, Yali Du, Joel Leibo, Michael Luck. |
Tackling School Segregation with Transportation Network Interventions – An Agent-Based Modelling Approach | Dimitris Michailidis, Mayesha Tasnim, Sennay Ghebreab, Fernando Santos |
Strategic Manipulation of Preferences in the Rank Minimization Mechanism | Mayesha Tasnim, Youri Weesie, Sennay Ghebreab, Max Baak. |
When Is It Acceptable to Break the Rules? Knowledge Representation of Moral Judgements Based on Empirical Data | Edmond Awad, Sydney Levine, Andrea Loreggia, Nicholas Mattei, Iyad Rahwan, Francesca Rossi, Kartik Talamadupula, Joshua Tenenbaum, Max Kleiman-Weiner |
Carbon Trading Supply Chain Management Based on Constrained Deep Reinforcement Learning | Qinghao Wang, Yaodong Yang |