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JAAMAS Track Papers

Beyond the Echo Chamber: Modelling Open-Mindedness in Citizens’ AssembliesJake Barrett, Kobi Gal, Loizos Michael, Dan Vilenchik
Epistemic Selection of Costly Alternatives: The Case of Participatory BudgetingSimon Rey, Ulle Endriss
Contest Partitioning in Binary Contests: Costly, yet BeneficialPriel Levy, Yonatan Aumann, David Sarne.
Navigating in a Space of Game ViewsMichael Wellman, Katherine Mayo
Resolving social dilemmas with minimal reward transferRichard Willis, Yali Du, Joel Leibo, Michael Luck.
Tackling School Segregation with Transportation Network Interventions – An Agent-Based Modelling ApproachDimitris Michailidis, Mayesha Tasnim, Sennay Ghebreab, Fernando Santos
Strategic Manipulation of Preferences in the Rank Minimization MechanismMayesha Tasnim, Youri Weesie, Sennay Ghebreab, Max Baak.
When Is It Acceptable to Break the Rules? Knowledge Representation of Moral Judgements Based on Empirical DataEdmond Awad, Sydney Levine, Andrea Loreggia, Nicholas Mattei, Iyad Rahwan, Francesca Rossi, Kartik Talamadupula, Joshua Tenenbaum, Max Kleiman-Weiner
Carbon Trading Supply Chain Management Based on Constrained Deep Reinforcement LearningQinghao Wang, Yaodong Yang