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IFAAMAS Influential Paper Award

The IFAAMAS Influential Paper Award seeks to recognize publications that have made influential and long-lasting contributions to the field. Candidates for this award are papers that have proved a key result, led to the development of a new subfield, demonstrated a significant new application or system, or simply presented a new way of thinking about a topic that has proved influential.

The 2025 IFAAMAS Influential Paper Award Committee has selected the following paper for this year’s award:

Reynolds, Craig W. 1987. Flocks, Herds and Schools: A Distributed Behavioral Model. Proceedings of the 14th Annual Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, ACM, pages 25–34.

The selected paper presents a seminal model of collective motion that has inspired a generation of multi-agent system researchers. It has more than 15,000 citations at Google Scholar from papers in many fields, including our community.

A list of previous winners of this award appears at

2025 IFAAMAS Influential Paper Award Committee

Chair: Ioannis Caragiannis

Members: Craig Boutilier, Kate Larson, Carles Sierra