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NOTE: The timetable for workshops, tutorials, the doctoral consortium (DC), and competitions can be viewed at a glance here. We will keep adding further details as and when they become available.

W1. Adaptive and Learning Agents (ALA)


Length: Two-day

Organizers: Raphael Avalos, A. Alp Aydeniz, Henrik Müller, Montaser Mohammedalamen

Contact email(s): [email protected]

Description: Adaptive and learning agents, particularly those interacting with each other in a multi-agent setting, are becoming increasingly prominent as the size and complexity of real-world systems grows. How to adaptively control, coordinate and optimise such systems is an emerging multi-disciplinary research area at the intersection of Computer Science, Control Theory, Economics, and Biology. The ALA workshop will focus on agents and multi-agent systems which employ learning or adaptation.

W2. 13th International Workshop on Engineering Multi-Agent Systems (EMAS)


Length: Two-day

Organizers: Sebastian Rodriguez, Lu Feng, Jörg P. Müller

Contact email(s): [email protected]

Description: The workshop on Engineering Multi-Agent Systems (EMAS) focuses on the theory and practice of engineering intelligent agents and multi-agent systems, i.e. in theories, architectures, languages, platforms, and methodologies for designing, implementing, and running intelligent agents and multi-agent systems. For the 2025 edition, we especially invite contributions to a Special Theme on ML- and data-driven approaches for engineering intelligent agents and multi-agent systems. EMAS 2025 will provide a forum for researchers and practitioners in agent-oriented software engineering, programming multi-agent systems, declarative agent languages and technologies, artificial intelligence, and machine learning to present and discuss their research and emerging results in engineering MAS.

W3. 7th International Workshop on EXplainable and Trustworthy and Responsible AI and Multi-Agent Systems (EXTRAAMAS)


Length: One-day (May 19)

Organizers: Prof. Davide Calvaresi, Dr. Amro Najjar, Prof Kary Framling, Prof. Andrea Omicini

Contact email(s): [email protected], [email protected]

Description: The International Workshop on EXplainable, Trustworthy, and Responsible AI and Multi-Agent Systems (EXTRAAMAS) runs since 2019, and is a well-established workshop and forum. It aims to discuss and disseminate research on explainable artificial intelligence, with a particular focus on intra/inter-agent explainability and cross-disciplinary perspectives. In its 7th edition, EXTRAAMAS 2025 identifies four particular focus topics with the ultimate goal of strengthening cutting-edge foundational and applied research.

Track 1: XAI in symbolic and subsymbolic AI
Track 2: XAI in negotiation and conflict resolution
Track 3: Prompts, Interactive Explainability and Dialogue
Track 4: (X)AI in Law and Ethics

W4. Autonomous Robots and Multirobot Systems (ARMS)


Length: One-day (May 19)

Organizers: Nicola Basilico, Mohan Sridharan

Contact email(s): [email protected], [email protected]

Description: Robots are agents, too. Indeed, agents researchers often use robotics problems as motivating examples. Both practical and analytical techniques developed by agents researchers influence, and are influenced by, research in autonomous robots and multi-robot systems. Despite the overlap between the agents and robotics research areas, researchers from these communities only have a few opportunities to meet and interact. The Robotics Area of Interest in the main AAMAS conference (formerly, the “Robotics Track”) is one such opportunity. The goal of this workshop is to build on this opportunity, offering an informal and dedicated forum where agents and robotics researchers can interact, discuss promising research directions and open problems, and foster further collaborations. Contributions are sought in all areas of robotics, in particular as related to autonomous agents research. Theoretical papers are welcome, as long as they clearly specify the connection to challenges in robotics. Empirical studies should ideally present experiments with real robots, though physical simulation studies are also acceptable. Papers that focus on mechanical aspects and low-level control should make an effort to relate this work to the agents community.

W5. 6th International Workshop on Autonomous Agents for Social Good (AASG)


Length: One-day (May 19)

Organizers: Panayiotis Danassis, Sanket Shah, Aparna Taneja

Contact email(s): [email protected]

Description: This workshop focuses on the role of autonomous agents and multi-agent systems (MAS) in social challenges, such as public health, sustainability, climate change and conservation, and human rights. The goal is to identify new MAS problems in societies, develop novel MAS solutions to resolve social challenges, and learn from the real-world deployment of MAS.

W6. 26th International Workshop on Multi-Agent-Based Simulation (MABS)


Length: One-day (May 19)

Organizers: Alicia Vidler, Samarth Swarup

Contact email(s): [email protected], [email protected]

Description: MABS 2025 continues its tradition of fostering cross-fertilisation and innovation in MAS engineering and complex social and sociotechnical systems modeling. The workshop encourages submissions in areas such as simulation methodology and tools, simulation of social and intelligent behaviour, diverse applications, and simulation analytics.

W7. Social Choice for AI Ethics and Safety (SC4AI)


Length: One-day (May 19)

Organizers: Vincent Conitzer, Jobst Heitzig, Wesley Holliday, Eric Pacuit

Contact email(s): [email protected], [email protected]

Description: AI ethics and safety involves aligning an AI system’s behavior with the values and preferences of its owners, users, and people affected by its actions. But human values and preferences are diverse and not aligned themselves. Many AI safety approaches involve human decision-making and collecting data on preferences and values. Social choice theory provides formal tools for aggregating preferences, trading off different values, and making collective decisions, having provable properties based on clear axiomatic reasoning. Bringing together people from the AI and social choice communities, this workshop will explore ways in which social choice theory and tools can help make AI systems more ethical and safe.

W8. The 3rd International Workshop on Citizen-Centric Multi-Agent Systems (C-MAS)


Length: One-day (May 20)

Organizers: Yali Du, Nadin Kökciyan, Behrad Koohy, Fernando P. Santos, Sebastian Stein, Vahid Yazdanpanah

Contact email(s): [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Description: C-MAS 2025 focuses on the development and application of citizen-centric multiagent systems (C-MAS) to address practical challenges such as sustainable energy, on-demand mobility, and disaster response. Unlike traditional approaches that treat citizens as passive participants, C-MAS considers them as active agents with specific needs and preferences, enabling solutions that are more equitable, reliable, and widely applicable. The workshop will explore technical methods like agent-based modelling, game theory, reinforcement learning, and explainable AI, with a focus on key issues such as understanding citizen preferences, designing incentives, ensuring fairness, and incorporating feedback from stakeholders. This workshop aims to bring together researchers and practitioners to advance the use of multiagent systems for addressing real-world problems in a way that actively involves citizens.

W9. 16th Workshop on Optimization and Learning in Multi-Agent Systems (OptLearnMAS)


Length: One-day (May 20)

Organizers: Filippo Bistaffa, Hau Chan, Sarah Keren, Xinrun Wang, Roger Lera Leri

Contact email(s): [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Description: The goal of the workshop is to provide researchers with a venue to discuss models or techniques for tackling a variety of multi-agent optimization problems. We seek contributions in the general area of multi-agent optimization, including distributed optimization, coalition formation, optimization under uncertainty, winner determination algorithms in auctions and procurements, and algorithms to compute Nash and other equilibria in games. Of particular emphasis are contributions at the intersection of optimization and learning. See below for a (non-exhaustive) list of topics. This workshop invites works from different strands of the multi-agent systems community that pertain to the design of algorithms, models, and techniques to deal with multi-agent optimization and learning problems or problems that can be effectively solved by adopting a multi-agent framework.

W10. Coordination, Organizations, Institutions, Norms and Ethics for Governance of Multi-Agent Systems (COINE)


Length: One-day (May 20)

Organizers: Jaime Simão Sichman, Davide Dell’Anna, Sz-Ting (Christine) Tzeng

Contact email(s): [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Description: Coordination, organizations, institutions, norms and ethics are five key governance elements for the regulation of open multi-agent systems. This workshop aims to bring together researchers in autonomous agents and multi-agent systems working on the scientific and technological aspects of social coordination, organizational theory, normative MAS, artificial or electronic institutions, and agents aware of norms, policies, and ethics. COINE complements the main AAMAS program by allowing a more relaxed and in-depth discussion of MAS from a social perspective and has proven to be an event that encourages debate, and fosters collaboration among researchers on these topics.

W11. Rebellion and Disobedience in Artificial Intelligence (RaD-AI)


Length: One-day (May 20)

Organizers: David W. Aha, Gordon Briggs, Peta Masters, Reuth Mirsky, Mor Vered

Contact email(s): [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Description: Should intelligent autonomous agents always obey human commands or instructions? In some contexts, they should not. Most existing research on collaborative robots and agents assumes that a “good” agent complies with the instructions it is given and works in a predictable manner under the consent of the human operator(s) it serves (e.g., it should never deceive its operator). Our RaD-AI workshop challenges this assumption; we will reconsider the desired abilities and responsibilities of collaborative agents. For example, these include exhibiting behavior that attempts appropriate and harm-preventing non-compliance (e.g., safety constraints in autonomous vehicles or training LLMs to avoid potentially harmful or norm-violating output), among others. Our agenda will include accepted submissions that describe novel (and/or survey existing) contributions, or propose new directions, related to RaD-AI in the context of intelligent social agents, human-agent interaction, and their societal effects, along with invited talks and other events. We warmly welcome participation from AAMAS-25 conference attendees!

W12. The 7th Games, Agents, and Incentives Workshop (GAIW)


Length: One-day (May 20)

Organizers: Ben Abramowitz, Haris Aziz, Michael Curry,  John P. Dickerson, Hadi Hosseini, Nicholas Mattei, Svetlana Obraztsova, Zinovi Rabinovich, Alan Tsang, Tomasz Wąs

Contact email(s): [email protected]

Description: Games, Agents and Incentives is a confederated workshop which focuses on agents and incentives in AI, in particular on game theory (cooperative and non-cooperative), social choice, and agent-mediated e-commerce aspects of AI systems. The confederated workshop merges multiple workshops that have been associated with AAMAS in the past, which considered different aspects of the general interplay between AI and economics:

CoopMAS: Cooperative Games in Multi-agent Systems
AMEC: Agent-Mediated Electronic Commerce
EXPLORE: Exploring Beyond the Worst Case in Computational Social Choice

Over the past two decades, the focus of agent incentives in centralised and decentralised AI systems has increased dramatically. These issues come up when designing preference aggregation mechanisms and markets; computing equilibria and bidding strategies; facilitating cooperation among agents; and fairly dividing resources.

W13. Workshop on Practical Improvements to Peer Review (PIPeR)


Length: Half-day (May 20 morning)

Organizers: Jerome Lang, Reshef Meir, Justin Payan, Yair Zick

Contact email(s): [email protected]

Description: PIPeR aims to improve the conference review process at AI and CS conferences (such as AAMAS) through practical discussion and actionable initiatives, rather than theoretical concepts. Conference reviewing is judged by many to be rapidly deteriorating. This workshop aims at finding practical ways of stopping or slowing down this process. Workshop participants will discuss possible changes to the peer review process, resulting in a few actionable suggestions to jointly propose to the IFAAMAS board and implement.

W14. Joint Event For Faculty Retirement (JEFFR)


Length: Half-day (May 20 afternoon)

Organizers: Reshef Meir, Omer Lev, Aviv Zohar, Yoram Bachrach

Contact email(s): [email protected]

Description: Prof. Jeffrey S. Rosenschein is one of the founding members of the MAS research community, with contributions going back to the early days of AAMAS and before. Jeff was the General co-Chair of the 2nd AAMAS conference back in 2003, and has continued to contribute consistently to the MAS community both as an active researcher (including the IFAAMAS Influential Paper Award and more than 25 AAMAS and JAAMAS papers) and in managerial and committee roles. The workshop will honor Jeff’s contribution over the years. Talks are by invitation.