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Submission Instructions (Main Technical Track)

NOTE: Detailed instructions for camera-ready preparation and submission are available here.

Important Dates

  • Abstract submission: Oct 9, 2024
  • Paper submission: Oct 16, 2024
  • Rebuttal period: Nov 27 – Dec 4, 2024
  • Author notification: Dec 23, 2024
  • Camera-ready paper: Feb 7, 2025 Feb 21, 2025
  • Conference: May 19-23, 2025

All deadlines are at the end of the specified day, Anywhere on Earth (UTC-12).

For queries related to submission, please contact [email protected].

Papers should be written in English, be prepared for double-blind reviewing, be submitted as a PDF document, and conform to our formatting guidelines:

[Download] AAMAS 2025 LaTeX Template and Formatting Guidelines (updated for the camera-ready version)

This page provides detailed instructions for the preparation and submission of the camera-ready version of your accepted submission for each track:

Papers submitted to the main track must be at most 8 pages long, with any number of additional pages containing bibliographic references. Excessive use of typesetting tricks to make everything fit into 8 pages is not admissible. Please do not modify the style files or any of the layout parameters. The use of LaTeX is mandatory. 

Please note that registering an abstract of your paper (of around 100-300 words in plain text) is required one week before the paper submission deadline and you will be asked to provide some additional information (such as keywords characterizing your paper) at this time. We recommend not to wait until the very last moment to submit. You can revise and resubmit your paper any number of times until the submission deadline. Please register your abstract and submit your paper here:

[Hyperlink] AAMAS 2025 Submission Site

If the primary author of your paper is a (doctoral or other kind of) student, then please register your paper as a student paper by checking the “the primary author is a student” checkbox. This information will not be shared with reviewers and is used only to determine eligibility for the Pragnesh Jay Modi Best Student Paper Award.

Supplementary Material

You have the option to accompany your submission with supplementary material. We encourage providing supplementary material containing, e.g., missing or more comprehensive versions of your proofs, detailed information about conducted experiments, source code, dataset, or anything else that may be helpful in making your results reproducible. Supplementary material should be submitted as a single zip file and should not exceed 25MB. Do not use supplementary material to submit an extended or corrected version of your paper: the reviewers will review the submitted version of your paper and consult supplementary material at their discretion. Any information that is essential for understanding or evaluating your paper must be included in the paper itself. For example, it is not recommended to relegate most of the proofs of your theoretical results to the supplementary material. You must ensure that your supplementary material does not compromise the anonymity of your submission.

IFAAMAS will not publish your supplementary material. Nevertheless, if your paper gets accepted, then the readers of your published paper should have access to the same information as the reviewers of your submission. This entails that you should make your (suitably revised) supplementary material openly available in archival form at the time of publication of your paper, and that you should include a reference to the supplementary material in the camera-ready version of your paper. For code or data you may wish to use a service such as Zenodo or github. For a technical appendix with additional proof details or similar, you may wish to use an archival preprint server such as arXiv.

Areas of Interest

We welcome the submission of technical papers describing significant and original research on all aspects of the theory and practice of autonomous agents and multiagent systems. If you are new to this community, then we encourage you to consult the proceedings of previous editions of the conference to fully appreciate the scope of AAMAS. At the time of submission, you will be asked to associate your paper with one of the following tracks:

  • Learning and Adaptation (LEARN)
  • Game Theory and Economic Paradigms (GTEP)
  • Coordination, Organizations, Institutions, Norms, and Ethics (COINE)
  • Search, Optimization, Planning, and Scheduling (SOPS)
  • Representation, Perception, and Reasoning (RPR)
  • Engineering and Analysis of Multiagent Systems (EMAS)
  • Modeling and Simulation of Societies (SIM)
  • Human-Agent Interaction (HAI)
  • Robotics and Control (ROBOT)
  • Innovative Applications (IA)

In addition, AAMAS 2025 also includes special tracks.

More information on these areas and the topics covered, as well as special tracks, can be found in the Call for Papers.


All papers accepted at AAMAS 2025 will be published by the International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (IFAAMAS) and be openly available to everyone from the IFAAMAS website. In addition, all accepted papers, along with reviews, will be publicly available on OpenReview. The papers will be published under CC-BY license which allows the authors to upload their papers to any repository. To maximize the reach of the papers, they will also be included in the ACM Digital Library.

Papers submitted to the main track will be accepted either as full papers (8 pages plus references) or as extended abstracts (2 pages plus references). You will be able to indicate at the time of submission whether you would accept the offer to publish your work as an extended abstract. This information will be visible to the program chairs and area chairs only.

Authors of a number of the papers accepted to AAMAS with excellent reviews will be invited to submit extended versions of those papers to selected journals (e.g., the Journal of Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (JAAMAS)) for fast-track review.


Ethics policy

Use of Generative AI: Papers that include content generated using Generative AI models, including large-scale language models (LLM) such as ChatGPT are prohibited unless the produced content is presented as a part of the paper’s experiments, in which case, use of GenAI must be explicitly reported in the paper’s introduction. Note that this policy does not prohibit authors from using LLMs for editing or polishing author-written text.

GenAI authorship: AAMAS 2025 policy is that AI systems, including Generative Models such as (Chat)GPT, BARD, or DALL-E, are not admissible as authors of any paper published in AAMAS and, moreover can also not be used as a citable source in papers published in the AAMAS proceedings.

Plagiarism: Authors assume full responsibility for content, including checking for plagiarism and veracity of all text.

Societal Impact: As AI and autonomous systems technology continues to advance, it is becoming increasingly important to consider the broader implications of our work beyond just technical innovation. AAMAS 2025 encourages you to carefully consider the potential impact of your research on society, and to discuss any significant ethical, societal, or legal concerns that may arise.

Submission of Previously Published Work

IFAAMAS publishes original research. Therefore, you may not submit papers to the main track that have substantial overlap in contribution or text with work previously accepted for publication as a full paper in another archival forum. This includes full papers at workshops with archival proceedings, but not, for instance, two-page extended abstracts published at previous editions of AAMAS, or papers from workshops without archival proceedings.

Submission of Work Presented at Workshops or Available at Public Repositories

Submitting a paper that has previously been presented at an informal workshop or that is available from a public preprint server (such as arXiv) is allowed. In that case, please do not cite that earlier version of your work in the paper. Finally, we ask you to not actively promote your paper to a global audience during the reviewing period.

Submission of Previously Rejected Papers

Papers that were previously rejected from other venues (and are eligible for submission otherwise) can be freely submitted to AAMAS and will be treated in the same way as all the other submissions.

Resubmission During AAMAS Reviewing Process

We recognise the significant strain on the scientific community caused by the needs of peer review. Therefore, the work you submit to AAMAS must not be under review elsewhere at any time between submission and notification.

Anonymity and Double-Blind Reviewing

AAMAS reviewing is double-blind. This means that reviewers should not be aware of the identity of the authors of the papers they review. As an author you must make a reasonable effort to ensure that this is possible. Specifically, please replace your name and affiliation on the first page with the paper tracking number and do not include any acknowledgements in your submission. You can cite your own prior work where appropriate, but do so in the third rather than the first person (that is, write, for instance, “X et al. [42] showed …” rather than “We showed … [42]”).


All individuals—and only those—who have made significant contributions to a paper submitted to AAMAS should be listed as authors in the submission system. We do not permit adding or removing authors to a paper after the abstract submission deadline. Only mistakes regarding the ordering of authors can still be corrected after the abstract submission date.

Altering Abstracts and “Placeholder Abstracts”

The abstracts submitted ahead of the main paper submission deadline are central for the assignment of reviewers to papers. For this reason, abstracts should not be altered in any significant way after the abstract submission deadline. Please note that this entails that submitting “placeholder abstracts” is not allowed.

Pointers to Supplementary Material

Papers must not include pointers to any supplementary material that is not provided as part of the submission. The reason for this policy is that we would be unable to ensure that this material will remain unaltered throughout the reviewing period. All supplementary material must be provided through the AAMAS submission system. Supplementary material should respect the same anonymity policies as the submitted paper.

General Policies

Submissions that are in violation of any of the above policies are subject to rejection without peer review at the discretion of the program chairs.

Submissions to AAMAS are confidential. However, submissions, author information, and reviews may be shared with the organizers of other AI conferences to identify duplicate submissions and to limit duplicate reviewing efforts. By submitting to AAMAS 2025, you agree that relevant data regarding your submission may be shared in this manner.

At least one author of each accepted paper will be required to register for the conference by the early registration deadline with the intention of presenting the paper at the conference. This is a prerequisite for your paper being included in the conference proceedings. Remote presentation of accepted papers will be considered only in exceptional circumstances and on an individual basis. Additionally, only papers presented in person by one of the authors will be considered for awards.


For responses to questions frequently asked by authors who wish to submit to AAMAS, please visit this FAQ page.

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